Modern Applied Medical Research
Submitted Manuscripts to the Biologico are received by the editorial board and checked the managing editor to determine that whether the paper is properly prepared or not if the manuscript is not fit with the journal ethics policy will be rejected before peer-review and returned to the author for revision and resubmission. After these checks, the managing editor will consult the journal editor-in-chief or other editor, who will assign them to reviewers. The review process is double-blind.
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Plagiarism occurs when one author uses the work of another author without permission, credit, or acknowledgment. Plagiarism may take several forms, ranging from literal copying to paraphrasing someone else’s work. Biologico has a zero-tolerance policy towards the plagiarism. Editorial board screened the manuscripts for plagiarism after receiving the article and if found they will be rejected for further processing. In case that a paper is already published in our journal and appears in pub med central but plagiarism is still detected, it will be retracted from our journal and the authors’ institutions and department heads will be notified to take action.
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Plagiarism is defined as the use of previously published work by another author in one’s own manuscript without authorization, credit, or acknowledgement and falsely passing it off as one’s own work. This is the most prevalent type of scientific misconduct in preparing manuscripts.
Authors should not submit the same manuscript, more than one journal at the same time in the same or different languages. The rationale for this standard is that if two journals assert the right to publish a manuscript submitted to more than one journal simultaneously, there are a possibility of discrepancy and the possibility of unwittingly and unnecessarily taking over by two or more journals.
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Research fraud refers to publications that report results and draw conclusions based on data that are not obtained through research (fabrication) or obtained through manipulation (falsification) of data. Manipulation of research materials, pictures, data, equipment, or processes is known as counterfeiting and manipulation of research materials, images, data, equipment, or processes. Falsification occurs when a person falsifies data to meet the planned end result of a research.
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The authors have the option to withdraw their submitted work prior to publication. If they do, they must complete the “Withdrawal Form” and submit it for approval. After receiving permission from the Editorial Board, the author may submit the manuscript for publication in other journals. The writers have the opportunity to challenge editorial board decisions or review reports. If they do so, they must defend their concerns and include any supporting papers or proof with their application. If the editor gets to the point, a new review may begin.
Editor encourages the author to share research data that support research publication when appropriate. Research data defined to the finding of observations or experimentation that validates research result. Editors advise the author to disclose the availability of their data in a data statement linked to the submitted paper. Authors can be transparent with submit a data statement which they used data in the paper.
Peer review helps the editor make editorial judgments, and editorial discussions with the author can help the author improve the manuscript. In addition to the particular ethics-related tasks outlined below, reviewers are expected to treat authors and their work in the same manner in which they would like to be treated, as well as to adhere to appropriate reviewing etiquette.
Reviewer should keep secrecy of all received manuscript. They must not share the review or information about the paper with anyone or contact the authors directly without permission from the editor. Confidential data provided in a submitted paper may not be used in a reviewer’s personal study without the author’s express written permission. Before agreeing to evaluate a paper, reviewers should approach the Editor if they have possible conflicts of interest arising from competing, collaborative, or other ties or affiliations with any of the authors involved in the articles.
To preserve the integrity of a published article should be need to correction or retraction. Rectification is not constituted as disciplinary in any manner or not the direction of any involved authors. Any doubtful research practices should be investigates by the institution and does the necessary solution. Before taking any decision about sanctions, editors should discuss with publisher, mostly for legal advice, as well as the journal owner. Sanctions should be applied consistently and only after careful consideration.
When the use of screening software or by the editor, peer reviewer found the questionable research materials, investigation should be required for disclosing the third party identity and the author should be inform to submit the approval letter. Gulf Publishers have a strict obligation to play in addressing potential case of uncertain research practices data fabrication, falsification, plagiarism, image manipulation, biased reporting, unethical research, authorship issue, redundant or duplicate publication and potential conflict of interest. Editor should work with publisher to consider relevant guideline and fixed on whether and how to refer cases of suspected questionable research practices, and what action to take.

Frequency : Monthly
Langauge : English
Country : India
Publisher : Gulf Publisher