Modern Applied Medical Research


Before submitting a manuscript to any of the Gulf Publisher journals, author should carefully read the following
Publication Criteria and Ethics
To get published in the Gulf Publisher Journals a manuscript should be original research paper and have a significant scientific value that report a finding and attract the readers in the relevant field. The originality refers to the fact that the manuscript should not previously published anywhere and nor under consideration for publication in any other journal. Before submitting the manuscript authors must agree to the Gulf Publishers Publication Ethics.Submission Process

Author must submit their manuscript in MS word format and confirm with the Gulf Publishers journals formatting requirements to reduce delays. Paper should be submitted via online (Submit your Article) providing Name, email address, Mobile No. Author may submit their manuscript via Official email address


After submitting a manuscript author will receive an acknowledgment letter from one of the editorial team within 24 hours.

Initial Assessment

When an article is submitted, it is assigned to an editor who experts in the subject area, who decides whether to send it for peer-review. Before making a decision, the editor who has been assigned the manuscript will seek assistance from experts in relevant fields. The decision does not reflect the scientific accuracy of the paper’s findings.

Peer Review

Once the decision has made for peer review, the assigned editor will select reviewers. Selected editor will seek guidance from editors who have already handled articles in relevant fields if required. Reviewers must be independent of the authors and their institutions, able to evaluate the technical aspects of the paper, and ready to evaluate the manuscript within the given timeframe. At least two reviewers will review each paper.

Review Decision

Completion the review process with a reviewer comments, the assigned editor will send an email to the corresponding author of the manuscript via publisher official email address offering one of the following options:

  1. Accepted: When editor found that the reviewer report is positive and no further change or correction is required from authors, author will receive a message from assigned editor that article is accepted for publication.
  2. Minor revision: The manuscript is accepted for publication, when the author revised the paper to response the reviewer comments and the revised paper will not sent back to the reviewers because no additional experimentation has been requested but assigned editor verified that the revise paper has meet the reviewer comments.
  3. Major Revision:Once the authors have made major changes in response to the reviewers’ comments, the manuscript will have a good chance of being approved for publication. In this situation, further experiment or technical research is required to address the reviewers’ issues. The revised manuscript will be returned to one or both reviewers for a second round of comments. The authors should immediately respond to the reviewers comments.
  4. Rejection: The manuscript is rejected because the reviewers found significant technical issues and the authors’ claim was not properly verified.

Copy Editing

Once accepted, the manuscript is copyedited to enhance its clarity and value. Our subeditors will double-check the paper’s grammar, spelling, and structure. Papers prepared by non-native speakers are given additional attention, as are summary paragraphs, overall clarity, figures, and titles. The copyedited work is required to meet the following requirements: it is the correct length, the language and writing adhere to our standards, and the figures and tables are clear and fit within the space allotted.


We will publish the article in the forthcoming issue after editorial acceptance and receipt of APC payment.

Formatting Guide

This section will explain the process of preparing your manuscript for submission to the Gulf Journals. Before submitting manuscript you should carefully read this section and our format. It is also suggested that you become familiar with the formatting style and content by reading our journals, whether in print or online. It is strongly encouraged that you just replace the template’s “content” without changing the “form.”

The papers should be prepared in clear and straightforward language so that they may be easily understood by readers from other fields who do not speak English as their first language. Technical abbreviations should be avoided as much as possible for this reason, and their usage should be clearly explained where it is necessary. Please spell out the full name when it is first mentioned in the text, followed by the abbreviation. Abbreviations that are not conventional should be maintained to a minimum. The paper’s background, methods, and principal findings should be well stated. Titles and abstracts should be written in terms that any expert may understand.

General Structure

The following sections should be included in each paper: Title, Author information, Abstract, Keywords, Introduction, Methodology, Result, discussion, conclusions, acknowledgements, references and nomenclature. We encourage authors to merge these contents into a single file (Microsoft Word) and separate tables and figures. Our publications suggest that each paper be between 4 and 20 pages long. Manuscript should be in the English Language in single space, using Microsoft Word, font size 12, Times New Roman, top and left margin 4 cm, bottom and right margin 2.5 cm, printed in Letters. Write the main body of the article in two columns.  At least 15 references should be included in each work.


The title should be simple but meaningful. It usually lacks acronyms, abbreviations, punctuation and equations. The title should not more than 12 words long, capitalized, centre and use font size 14.

Author Information:

The author information includes each author’s name, affiliation, and address, as well as the Mobile No. and email address of the corresponding author on a 1st page of the manuscript. An asterisk should be used to identify the related author.


Each manuscript has an abstract separate from the main text, and abstract should be more than 150 words which has no references and no semi abbreviations, acronyms. The abstract should be one paragraph long and prepared in the format of structured abstracts, but without headings. Place the addressed question in a broader context and indicate the study’s goals. Briefly describe the primary methods used in the study. Summarize and evaluate the paper’s major findings in a few words. Include no results that aren’t provided and verified in the primary text, and don’t overstate the key conclusions.



Keywords no fewer than three and not more than six keywords and do not reflect the subject.


The introduction should compose the background of the study, research contexts, review, and research objective. All introductions should be presented in the forms of paragraphs, not pointers. The intention of this study, as well as the exact ideas being evaluated, should be clearly explained. The present status of the research area should be thoroughly examined, and relevant publications should be cited. Finally, the work’s main goal, strategy, and findings should be stated in a short thesis statement. The introduction should be presented in terms that readers working outside the topic will recognize.

The methodology section consists of a description of the concern study design, data sources, data collecting, and data analysis, observational, experimental, and simulation, and derived with a portion of 10-12 percent of the overall article length, all provided in paragraphs. The methodology section should be presented as simply as possible while yet providing enough information for others to duplicate and expand on published results. New methods should be discussed in length, whereas well-established ways can be introduced simply and cited properly. If a previous study’s method is applied, this paper must be cited and explained. Explanation of previously published processes should be avoided; instead, a reference number can be used to reduce space, with any new additions or modifications noted. If the work applies many techniques, the methodology section should be separated into various subsections, each of which provides information on a specific method.

Findings and Discussion:
The findings and discussion section compose of a description of the results of the data analysis to answer the research question and their meanings seen from current theories and references of the area addressed. Articles should include a full list of the current institutional affiliations of all authors, both academic and corporate and all author e-mail addresses listed should be correct to the best of the authors’ knowledge. If a researcher is not affiliated with an institution or company, they can list themselves as an “independent researcher”. It should present the findings of the concerned research, related interpretations, and speculations as well as its prospects.


The conclusion section consists of the summary, restatement of the main findings. It should include the result of the work, important findings and author’s view(s). The work’s limitations and future research directions may also be mentioned. It must not include anything that is not supported by the main content.


It should present brief information regarding any research grant or the assistance of colleagues or institutions/departments. The authors wish to thank Marshall Smith and Robinson Friedman for helpful discussions and suggestions. Anyone who contributed to the study or text but is not named as an author should be acknowledged. Include no thanks to reviewers or editors, extra phrases, or excessive comments. All sources of funding for study should be reported in the following format.


Authors are requested to follow the APA STYLE. The references should be presented in a square bracket in the right hand of the sentence e.g., [1] in the text. They should be arranged at the end of the manuscript in order of their appearance in the text. Every source cited in the body of the article should appear in the reference, and all sources appearing in the reference should be cited in the body of the article.


When author using quotations from published sources, please follow exactly the spelling and other conventions of the original.

Tables and Figures:

The tables should be arranged systematically with the number and title at the TOP of the Tables. Use only horizontal lines when using tables. The Tables should not have any color shedding. The figures should have good quality in JPEG form. The figure number with Title should be given in BELLOW the Figure. The Tables and Figures should be placed in an appropriate place in the text.


All of the symbols used in the text, as well as their definitions, should be listed in detail and without confusion. Use the same symbol for two or more distinct meanings or definitions similarly, do not use more than one symbol for a same component.


Authors are advice to use math type to edit equations and submit equations as editable text instead of images. Microsoft Equation Editor is also acceptable. An equation should not be partially text and partially math type, or partially math type and partially Microsoft equation Editor. Prevent excessive space or punctuation that might conflict with the display of equations.